Sell online but remain B2B

Your customers are companies with whom you have consolidated relationships, procedures stabilized in previous years, an organization that faces daily life according to what they have become accustomed to over time.

It is therefore not easy, because for a B2B company to reach the final consumer - and transform itself into B2C - it contemplates overturning its business model. You will face several challenges:

  • your relationship with current B2B customers: how to manage this transition?
  • your business model: it's a long journey, do you have time to convert it?
  • the know-how of your organization: how to acquire it quickly?
  • your processes AS IS: how to redesign them without problems?
  • the cost of customer acquisition: how to avoid it?

Our INDIRECT sale proposal fits into this scenario.

A way to reach final consumers through a trusted intermediary, with whom to agree tactics and strategies.

Are you a B2B manufacturer? Sell now :)